One of the ways we are building a more sustainable future is through responsible environmental choices that align with Deloitte Global’s WorldClimate commitments. We are committed to taking measurable, decisive action on climate change to reduce our emissions, empower Deloitte professionals, embed sustainability in our operations, and engage the broader ecosystem to create innovative solutions that facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy.
Net-zero with 2030 goals
Deloitte’s near-term (2030) greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as 1.5°C-aligned, science-based targets. Deloitte has also committed to set long-term emissions reduction targets using the SBTi’s Net-Zero Standard.
Our near-term goals are to:
- Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 70% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
- Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 50% per FTE by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
- Engage with our major suppliers with the goal of having 67% (by emissions) set science-based targets by 2025.
- Invest in meaningful market solutions for emissions we cannot eliminate.
Our additional 2030 goals to reduce emissions include:
- Sourcing 100% renewable energy for our buildings.
- Converting 100% of our fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles.
Deloitte’s near-term goals (2030) were validated in advance of the issuance of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard. Deloitte’s next step will be to set long-term emissions reduction targets following the SBTi standard to continue playing our part in achieving a net-zero world.
As part of our commitment to sustainability and to track progress against our carbon reduction goals, Deloitte reports annually on its greenhouse gas emissions.
Deloitte is committed to promoting environmental sustainability through our own actions. Here are a few examples of how we are acting on our commitment and working to advance progress against our carbon reduction goals:
- Renewable energy: We are implementing improvements to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Since FY2021, Deloitte is 100% renewable energy powered through the purchase of renewable energy certificates for the entirety of our energy consumption. Additionally, we have recently contracted to bring new renewable energy to the grid, through a renewable power purchase agreement.
Business travel:
- Deloitte has demonstrated we can effectively deliver our services virtually through our online collaboration tools and delivery models. As we moved forward in a post-COVID environment, we focused on workplace co-location for the moments that create unique and differentiated value when performed in-person. We are continuing this shift to a “together in moments that matter” approach that benefits our people and clients, while also supporting our emission reduction goals.
- We are working across the marketplace to identify opportunities to collaborate with clients and other organizations to reduce carbon emissions related to business travel. Learn more about our role as a founding member of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance and our Sustainable Aviation Fuel initiatives in the Engage Ecosystems section.
- We recently launched our Deloitte TravelSight dashboard, which combines data related to modes of travel, office visits, and expenses to support our people in making environmentally minded decisions related to travel.
Meaningful market solutions:
Decarbonizing through absolute reductions (e.g.,
procuring renewable energy, investing in innovative
lower-emissions market solutions such as sustainable
aviation fuel) remains a key priority.
- Additionally, during our decarbonization journey, we are compensating for unabated emissions through carbon credit purchases focused on removing and/or avoiding emissions. Since FY2021, Deloitte has offset its operational, business travel, and purchased goods and services emissions with verified carbon credit purchases.
- We recognize these actions do not replace the need to reduce emissions, which is why our carbon credit strategy will continue to evolve as a component of our overall net-zero strategy, informed by external guidance on carbon credit leading practices and changes in the market. For now, we are prioritizing offset projects that have societal co-benefits, such as reforestation, preventing deforestation, safeguarding health and livelihoods, and promoting sustainable infrastructure.

Embed sustainability
To align our climate policies, practices, and actions across our organization, we are:
- Designating a senior leader to be responsible for climate in each geography.
- Prioritizing discussion of climate change on executive agendas.
- Embedding climate-smart considerations into operational decisions.
- Continuing to report the organization’s annual emissions externally for transparency and accountability.
Events, meetings, trainings, and other business gatherings often create large quantities of waste. As an organization, we have a large degree of control over where and how these events are held, and we recognize our responsibility to minimize our environmental and waste footprints during these events.
At two major conferences in 2023, Deloitte worked with the venues and a waste management vendor to divert event waste from the landfill. Across the two conferences, we diverted more than 68,000 pounds of waste (approximately the weight of seven RVs) from the landfill through composting, recycling, reuse, and donation efforts.
Deloitte University (DU) is our leadership center where we connect our people, deliver immersive client experiences, and give back to our community through learning programs such as Courageous Principals and CORE Veterans Leadership Development.
Environmental sustainability is a top priority at DU, as it is throughout the Deloitte organization. Sustainable design, construction, and operations in the building of DU were recognized through the prestigious Gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification awarded upon opening. As we proceed with the significant expansion of our DU campus, we have a continued commitment to making DU more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable. Making dining, transportation, landscaping, and energy choices that reduce our carbon footprint is just one of the ways DU works toward its commitment to our sustainability principles.
Here are a few examples of how we have prioritized sustainability at DU:
- During construction, 20% of materials used were regionally extracted, promoting local business and decreasing the amount of fuel and emissions related to shipping.
- Greenscaping with native plants and a highly efficient landscape irrigation system led to a 50% reduction in water usage.
- High-efficiency faucets are expected to reduce annual water consumption by 53,000 gallons.
- High albedo roofing is highly reflective, absorbing less solar energy, reducing surface temperature, and decreasing heat transfer into the building.
Our workplace sustainability efforts extend beyond DU and into our local offices. Our Real Estate team incorporates a sustainability lens throughout the project life cycle, from office and building selection to the design and construction of our workplaces.
Deloitte has a core focus on being a responsible steward of the environment by embedding and elevating sustainability standards throughout technology operations. These standards mitigate environmental impacts while driving innovation and fostering long-term climate resilience.
Technology, in general, is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and e-waste. Our strategy is to reduce and reuse as much as possible. When technology-related items cannot be reused, we are committed to recycling and working with certified recyclers who meet specific environmental standards and safely manage used electronics.
To encourage laptop care, we launched the “Love Your Laptop Campaign.” By providing top tips for laptop health, Deloitte helps promote simple sustainable technology choices. Over 90% of our laptops are repurposed at end of life through our leasing program. Repurposing laptops contributes to the circular economy by diverting assets from being destroyed and giving them a second life. Additionally, in 2023, we donated 1,900 tablets for refurbishment and/or redistribution to families, students, or teachers.
We are also reducing energy usage in our regional data centers through ongoing optimization efforts. For example, four of our data centers reduced their average daily power usage in 2022. Together, this saved approximately 5,460 kilowatt-hours of energy, which avoided 4.3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, each month. These energy savings were achieved in part by decommissioning unused and less efficient hardware—returning these devices to vendors to be recycled and/or reused—with the remaining workloads consolidated into new, more energy efficient servers and storage.
Deloitte’s supply chains cross multiple industries and regions of the world. Because more than two-thirds of our organization’s aggregate emissions are derived from purchased goods and services, our WorldClimate strategy includes a specific focus on developing more sustainable supply chains. We are reviewing our Supplier Code of Conduct and contract clauses to incorporate more environmental, social, and governance (ESG)-specific expectations (e.g., Science-Based Target references, environmental risk, and sustainability governance).
In 2023, Deloitte Global directly engaged with more than 400 of Deloitte’s largest global suppliers with the goal of having two-thirds of suppliers (by emissions) set science-based targets. These global suppliers are also being engaged on an annual basis to report their emissions through a nonprofit focused on environmental disclosure. To learn more about sustainable procurement efforts at the global level, read the 2023 Deloitte Global Impact Report.

Empower individuals
By engaging and educating Deloitte professionals on climate change impacts—decisions about what they consume, use, and buy—we enable our people to make positive climate choices at home and at work.
In alignment with Deloitte Global’s WorldClimate commitment, we are aspiring to achieve Zero Waste* status for all major Deloitte meetings and events by 2025. This commitment includes Impact Day, Deloitte’s annual day of service that celebrates our year-round commitment to collectively making an impact in our communities. To reach this ambitious goal, we have been and continue to pilot Zero Waste practices on Impact Day in select offices, applying lessons learned, and scaling to all participating offices by 2025.
During Impact Day 2023, we piloted Zero Waste at 139
Impact Day project sites, a nearly 10x increase from
2022. Across the Zero Waste sites, we successfully
diverted 89% of nonhazardous waste from the landfill by
recycling, donating, composting, and sending
hard-to-recycle materials to a vendor for processing.
Learn more about
Impact Day
Deloitte’s Green Team Network is a group of Deloitte professionals who seek to embed sustainability into Deloitte policies and practices and empower fellow practitioners to take action on climate change, as well as volunteer with environmental nonprofits to make a green impact in local communities.
Deloitte has 32 professional-led Green Teams that lead educational, volunteering, and office sustainability initiatives. A few examples are highlighted here:
- The Boston Green Team hosts a monthly Do-It-Yourself series to teach professionals how to make common household projects at home to be more sustainable (e.g., cough drops, candles, cleaning wipes).
- The Omaha/Des Moines Green Team hosted a park cleanup with a local nonprofit organization and collected 179 pounds of waste during Earth Month 2023.
- The Detroit Green Team is collaborating with its office to run a series of recycling drives, providing professionals an opportunity to divert hard-to-recycle materials from the landfill.
Hear from one of our Green Team professionals about their purpose journey at Deloitte:
Deloitte celebrated Earth Month 2023 with a monthlong campaign featuring livestream events for our people and clients, thought leadership, and internal activities.
In 2023, Earth Month focused on the intersectionality of climate and equity. Deloitte hosted a conversation with climate experts, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson, on the inequitable impacts of climate change, bright spots in the climate justice movement, and solutions being led by racially and/or ethnically diverse people, women, and other communities. The event was attended by more than 4,500 professionals.
Green Teams across Deloitte held more than 85 events—from lunch-and-learns to park cleanups. They also inspired 3,000 professionals to participate in the Earth Month Ecochallenge, a program to educate and engage the community on ways to drive sustainable habits.

Engage ecosystems
Deloitte collaborates with clients, alliance partners, nongovernmental organizations, industry groups, suppliers, and others to help:
- Increase demand for responsible products and services.
- Remove roadblocks that get in the way of enacting change.
- Create innovative climate solutions at a systems and operations level.
Over the past year, Deloitte continued to expand our engagement with organizations across our ecosystems to inspire action, increase demand for sustainable products and services, and develop solutions, including our involvement as a founding member of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance, an alliance focused on accelerating the path to carbon-neutral air transport.
We purchase Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) from various participants in the market to signal demand for SAF and to deepen our own market knowledge. Deloitte also helps accelerate SAF usage through our involvement in World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition.
To help advance our commitment to social impact and sustainability, we are collaborating with organizations to address the intersection of climate and equity. A few highlights include:
- Teaming up with American Forests to be the first organization supporting American Forests’ new Tree Equity Support Center and Fund. This work can improve climate, health, and economic opportunity—several thousand people are needed to plant trees across the US annually.
- Supporting AeroFarms to help scale its Community Farm program, dedicated to advancing health equity by offering hands-on learning and healthy food access for students in need. FY2023, we sponsored the launch of community farms in three Tri-State area schools.
- Contributing as a founding donor of the CIV:LAB Climate Fund, an innovative grantmaking network that channels funds and resources directly to community climate initiatives. Their framework has the unique ability to capture the range and diversity of climate impact, as well as social and economic outcomes.
- Supporting Project Drawdown to reimagine climate storytelling by “passing the mic” to climate heroes from systemically disadvantaged backgrounds and launching a road map to accelerate climate solutions across the US and beyond.
Supporting our clients
Sustainability, Climate, and Equity services
Deloitte’s Sustainability, Climate, and Equity services are driven by the conviction that solving the most pressing challenges for people and planet is simply smart business. With a global network of experienced professionals connected through insights, technology, industry depth, and a shared passion for responsible growth, we help guide clients through the complexities of the ever-changing climate and equity horizon. From assisting with identifying risks to navigating regulatory landscapes, enabling responsible value chains, charting paths to net-zero, and engineering equitable outcomes, we help create measurable progress toward a sustainable future.
Learn more about Sustainability, Climate, and Equity services
Climate change is transforming the global business landscape, but many corporate leaders continue to underestimate the speed and scale with which the shift to a low-emissions economy is likely to unfold—and they don’t always recognize the substantial business opportunity associated with the transition. As leaders shift from ambition to action, understanding and accelerating systems transformation will be crucial. Explore a framework in our report, Systems Change for a Sustainable Future, that can help organizations design a corporate climate strategy to drive change and create new value in the climate-aligned economy.
In this report, we have laid out the logic and language of system transformation, its five phases, and guidance to help leaders develop their corporate emergence strategies. Everyone has a role to play, and by taking meaningful action today—investing at the speed and scale that is necessary—business leaders can thrive in the economy of the future.
Finance has a role to play in the moves an organization makes toward a sustainable future, including holding it accountable for enterprise performance, data analysis, cost savings, market guidance, strategic planning, talent considerations, and more. Our Finance for a sustainable future series provides actionable insights and opportunities for finance leaders who want to adapt existing practices to accelerate change.
International Development Organizations services
Deloitte has more than 30 years of experience working with international development organizations to drive large-scale societal, economic, and human impact in more than 140 low- and middle-income countries. Among our engagements, we have worked with US development agencies in more than 80 countries to resolve pressing energy and climate change problems in the midst of unprecedented challenges, guiding our clients to adapt to the changing dynamics of the climate.
Learn more about International Development Organizations services
We help organizations advance climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions, build resilient energy reform projects, and support sustainable water systems. An example of our experience and impact includes our work with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) for their Smart Power Program (SPP) which partners with Southeast Asian governments and companies to advance economic growth and help the region reach its clean energy future. For example, SPP worked with regional oil and gas companies to launch the ASEAN Energy Sector Methane Leadership Program (MLP), which helps national oil and gas companies do their part to reduce global methane emissions. MLP will channel international expertise to help the companies measure their emissions, identify options to reduce them, and design and finance real-world reduction projects.
This publication contains general information only and Deloitte is not, by means of this publication, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. Deloitte shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this publication.
About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms of DTTL, their related entities that operate using the “Deloitte” name in the United States and their respective affiliates. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.
About The Deloitte Foundation The Deloitte Foundation, founded in 1928, is a not-for-profit organization that supports education in the U.S. through a variety of initiatives that help develop the next generation of diverse business leaders, and their influencers, and promote excellence in teaching, research and curriculum innovation. The Foundation sponsors an array of national programs relevant to a variety of professional services, benefiting high school students, undergraduates, graduate students and educators. Learn more about the Deloitte Foundation.