Cenote diver enters Taj mahal cavern on Yucatan peninsula in Mexico


Take Note

Insights for legal professionals

Take Note communications are designed to assist both in-house and outside counsel in how to lead, navigate, and disrupt to tackle today’s complex legal and business issues. These email communications from Deloitte’s Chief Legal Officer Program highlight topical issues.

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The CLO's guide to Generative AI: New insights

This guide explores the legal risks, implications, and opportunities of this rapidly evolving technology to help CLOs as leaders and influencers of Generative AI (GenAI) policies within their organizations. New content includes insights on evaluating third-party GenAI use and characteristics of an effective governance program.

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The 2024 Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Strategy Survey

We asked 460 legal executives about various enterprise-wide and legal function-specific topics including transformation, trust, Generative AI, understanding the work and priorities of the legal function, and how that work is accomplished. Respondents were grouped into four geographical clusters--the United States, Europe, Australia, and Canada--to better understand where legal functions around the world are aligned, and where they are not.

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10 chief legal officers share their leadership advice

Authenticity. Business acumen. A sense of purpose. Communication skills. Beyond technical legal expertise, these are the competencies that chief legal officers (CLOs) need to help advance their leadership strategies and cultivate resilience.

Continue reading 10 chief legal officers share their leadership advice

Closing the communication gap between CLOs and their direct reports

“Workplace communication” may not be a frequently discussed skill for legal leaders, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Our research shows there’s a clear communication gap between chief legal officers and their employees. Here are some recommendations on how they can close it.

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Transforming the structure of your legal department

Implementing change is hard, especially within the structures of corporate legal departments. However, legal functions often face realities that can make transformation a smart move. So where do chief legal officers (CLOs) and their teams begin? When coupled with a demonstrated transition strategy, our research points to an answer that’s simpler than expected: a shift in mindset.

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Data cleaning considerations for legal departments

As chief legal officers (CLOs) advance their departments, they often have to rely on “dirty” data—data that isn’t accurate, readily available, or well-understood—during the process. And it may prevent them from implementing sustainable change. Prepare your legal team for success with four data-cleaning takeaways and other insights.

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Highlights from the 2023 Legal Talent Survey

Being an in-house counsel is considered by many to be a good job. Could it be better? To find out, we surveyed attorneys working in-house across a range of industries, and 305 of them responded.

Continue reading Highlights from the 2023 Legal Talent Survey

The four faces of the chief legal officer, second edition

An encouraging shift in chief legal officer (CLO) priorities seems to suggest an evolution in the CLO’s focus from reactive to proactive, from manager to executive leader. To be successful, a CLO may seek to master and strike the right balance between “four faces”: catalyst, strategist, guardian, and operator.

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A global CLO’s perspective for in-house lawyers: Q&A with Susan Yashar

The regulatory attorney who became general counsel. The general counsel who became deputy CEO. Susan Yashar shares her experiences and insights for those looking to learn from her journey to becoming one of Deloitte’s top in-house lawyers.

Continue reading A global CLO’s perspective for in-house lawyers

Building resilience to work through adversity

How CLOs can adapt to unpredictability and disruption: Between growing workloads and burnout risk, resilience may be more important than ever to in-house lawyering. Break out of limiting patterns with practices aimed at mastering adversity through resilience.

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Digital business transformation for corporate legal departments

It’s not unusual for organizations to struggle with organizational change. In-house legal departments are no exception. We recently asked legal executives about possible challenges they’re facing with transformation. 57% say that adoption and change management are the biggest concerns related to technology transformation. A human-centered change management approach can elevate transformation efforts.

Continue reading Explore a 4-stage model for managing change

What CLOs can learn from the product counsel’s lens

Product lawyers often speak the same language and support the same goals as those who work in the lines of business. Even if your organization doesn’t have a product counsel—or even a formal product team—your legal team can benefit from knowing more of what a product counsel knows.

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Navigating the changing market for in-house legal talent

Riding a hiring wave. What is happening in the current environment? And what lessons should current and aspiring chief legal officers (CLOs) take away about the changing nature of the legal profession? To find out, we sat down with four executive recruiters who specialize in CLO hiring: Jaime Massar of Korn Ferry, Debbie Tang of Bridge Partners, and Bob Barker and Max Gelernter of BarkerGilmore.

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2022 CLO and CCO strategy survey results

Chief legal officers (CLOs) and chief compliance officers (CCOs) are widening their strategic aperture to lead on issues where trust is imperative, focusing first on cybersecurity and ESG strategy as they drive transformation initiatives. That’s the key takeaway from our survey of 217 legal and compliance executives on the challenges and opportunities they may face over the next year.

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The CLO strategist: Ethics and technology

Many companies are technology companies at their core—even if they’re not in the technology business. And, as technology brings new and enhanced capabilities to the organization, legal executives find themselves having to answer new questions about right and wrong. This is the realm of ethical technology.

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The CLO strategist: Cybersecurity

The growing frequency and severity of cyberattacks have pushed cybersecurity higher on the agenda for boards and C-suite executives. CLOs can play a leading role in developing an effective cyber security strategy by combining a strong defense with a proactive offense and leveraging cross-functional relationships.

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The CLO strategist: Intellectual property

An effective intellectual property (IP) strategy enables, and can potentially accelerate, competitive advantage. For a CLO, taking a leading role in IP strategy design and implementation can provide an opportunity to lead in an area of commercial significance, wield greater influence within the organization, and support the success of the enterprise.

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Bold actions for CLOs to make equity an enterprise-wide outcome

As organizations around the globe contemplate the future of work, chief legal officers (CLOs) have the opportunity to lead Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) efforts by broadening expectations. One way for CLOs to start is to prioritize equity. Equity is an outcome, and it’s achieved when all people have fair access, opportunity, resources, influences, and power—everything they need to succeed and thrive.

For the CLO, achieving equity may not be about doing more; it’s about evaluating whether your existing responsibilities and ongoing work as CLO are adequately promoting equity, as well as creating new equitable outcomes and opportunities within your organization.

Continue reading the bold actions for CLOs to make equity an enterprise-wide outcome

The CLO strategist: A new kind of legal officer for modern business

With the right approach to strategy, chief legal officers can positively influence innovation and growth. This article, the first in a four-part series, lays out the elements of a strong strategy, common challenges and tips for successful change management.

Continue reading the CLO strategist.

The role of the chief legal officer in addressing ESG issues

As the push for organizations to develop and execute on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy grows, leaders are increasingly making choices in alignment with ESG considerations. In this article we explore the role of the chief legal officer (CLO) in ESG efforts: Effectively communicating the risks and opportunities of the ESG strategy, developing ESG reporting and disclosure mechanisms and influencing the regulatory environment.

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The future of legal leadership for general counsel: An interview with Mark Roellig

Leadership is something that may be innate for some, but can be developed, honed, and evolved for most. In a corporate setting, leadership involves the assembling, developing, focusing, and inspiring of others to effectively achieve objectives to advance the overall values, vision, mission, and strategy of the business. Explore three areas of focus for aspiring legal leaders.

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A matter of Trust: what chief legal officers should know

Chief legal officers have always had a key role in the conscience of the enterprise, setting the course for ethics and, often, compliance. In this article we explore various ways that CLOs build trust, for the organization and for themselves, with an eye to taking the lead in guiding stakeholders along the journey.

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2020 Legal department strategy survey: How chief legal officers are leading during COVID-19

With COVID-19 accelerating the pace of change, legal executives report increasing workloads but are charting the path forward, citing both increased investments in technology and greater reliance on alternative legal services providers as probable responses to current conditions.

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The four faces of the legal operations executive

Today’s legal operations executive is multidimensional, bridging the world of operational efficiency and legal services delivery. As corporate legal operations professionals continue to chart the path forward for this critical role, they must divide their time between four critical “faces”: Strategist, Catalyst, Steward, and Operator.

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How chief legal officers can lead through the pandemic: The importance of well-being for effective leadership

Legal departments are faced with increased demands on time, energy, and the heightened volume of unique challenges and elevated risk. How, in these times, do leaders persevere? In this article, we explore the insights, experiences, and advice of several experts to explore that question. The answers may surprise you.

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The chief legal officer's role in transition to the workplace

As the enterprise considers the decisions and risks related to workplace transition, the chief legal officer is uniquely positioned to play a key leadership role. In this article, we explore common challenges and potential responses to some of the most pressing transition issues CLOs face.

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In search of judgment: Corporate legal leadership: The chief legal officer's competing priorities

May 2020

Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) are increasingly expected to offer strategic advice and insight to the C-suite and board, and to meaningfully advise, CLOs must be seen as trusted collaborators. Earning trust at this level requires, first and foremost, the consistent exercise of good judgment.

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Tech Bytes part 4: Intelligent CLM systems

March 2020

In contract life cycle management (CLM), different stakeholders have different priorities. Business unit stakeholders typically want fast and efficient contract cycle times. Finance stakeholders usually look for governance around contract pricing and revenue. Legal stakeholders are concerned with legal risk management. How can you foster a virtuous cycle instead of competing priorities and meet the needs of all three at once? 

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Tech Bytes part 3: Cybersecurity for legal executives – Three ways chief legal officers can become more cyber-savvy

January 2020

Digital transformation is a top priority for many organizations but in the face of continually expanding potential for cyber-attack, companies must become more knowledgeable about the cyber threat environment. What are three things that chief legal officers can do now to become more cyber-savvy and bring the legal perspective to organization’s approach to cybersecurity?

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Chief legal officers and leadership

December 2019

Expectations of corporate legal departments continue to change. Technical legal expertise alone is no longer sufficient for chief legal officers to address resource constraints, demands for strategic advice to stakeholders across the enterprise, and the steady march of digital transformation. To be more effective leaders in this environment, chief legal officers and their leadership teams need to engage their legal teams in ways that elevate their contribution and value to the enterprise. But what leadership skills will help them do that, and how do legal leaders measure up?

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Tech Bytes part 2: Analytics and artificial intelligence for chief legal officers

September 2019

Solving the challenge of unstructured data has brought the legal industry to an inflection point. For the first time, many labor-intensive, repetitive legal department tasks can now be performed by computers instead of humans. Legal executives should be able to leverage analytics and AI to free up legal department resources so they can perform more value-added work.

How can you identify improvement opportunities that are achievable, affordable, and can help move your legal department in the right direction?

Continue reading Analytics and artificial intelligence for chief legal officers: Five opportunities for cost-effective quick wins

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Tech Bytes: Legal technology for chief legal officers

July 2019

To help chief legal officers (CLOs) explore technologies that can help them increase efficiency and align legal strategy with corporate strategy, our Tech Bytes series explores common pain points of legal departments, the benefits of automation, and how CLOs can determine which technologies are best for their organization.

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How to encourage ethical behavior

May 2019

Rashmi Airan was an ambitious lawyer, by many measures at the top of her game leading her own law firm, when she lost sight of her own high standards for corporate ethics. After pleading guilty to charges of general conspiracy, she was sent to federal prison and had time to reflect on how she got there. She shared her story with us, including what she learned about how to encourage ethical behavior as an organizational leader.

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The four faces of the chief legal officer

March 2019

The role of today’s chief legal officer (CLO) is complex, demanding much more than legal operations expertise. To be successful, a CLO must master and strike the right balance between “four faces”: Strategist, catalyst, guardian, and operator.

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four faces

The CLO’s role in managing corporate culture

January 2019

It seems almost every day a new corporate scandal is popping up in the headlines. Which is why having a strong culture is more critical than ever. But who in the organization is best positioned to lead the charge in driving a positive corporate culture? While it may not be the most obvious choice, chief legal officers could be in the best position to help lead corporate culture initiatives and manage any related reputational risks.

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Alternative fee arrangements for outside legal counsel

November 2018

In this article we explore alternative fee arrangements, focusing in on the critical elements essential to success. With insight from our own clients, we also discuss some tactical advice for implementing successful AFAs.

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Own your space: Leadership advice from a trailblazing chief legal officer

September 2018

In this edition, we feature Susan Blount, former executive vice president and general counsel for Prudential Financial, Inc., who shares her views on the critical elements of leadership success.

Continue reading Own your space.

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Business chemistry for chief legal officers

July 2018

Working with people across a range of teams isn’t always an easy task. And as in-house lawyers are increasingly expected to work with individuals across their organizations, effectively navigating different working styles is more critical than ever. In this issue, learn how our Business Chemistry® framework can help you better understand your own working style and improve your work relationships.

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People-focused leadership: Developing strong talent as a chief legal officer

June 2018

The Deloitte Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Program has been working closely with CLOs to help them become successful legal executives and strategic members of the C-suite. We recently asked Cornell Boggs, senior advisor at BarkerGilmore and former general counsel of Toys "R" Us and Dow Corning, to share his thoughts on one of the most important skills CLOs should cultivate: people-focused leadership.

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