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AI in pharma and life sciences

Discover how AI is transforming pharma

What's the new currency for biopharma and life sciences companies? Two words: big data. Take a closer look at how artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical industry is being used to mine insights from multiple data sets and make it interoperable across the enterprise. AI in supply chain and manufacturing is helping to reshape the pharma value chain and bring life-saving therapies to market faster.

From molecule to market: The use of AI in life sciences

We now live in the Age of With, in which AI doesn’t compete with human endeavors—it elevates them. And nowhere are its applications more remarkable than in life sciences, where digital transformation enabled by AI and machine learning is affecting virtually every aspect of the value chain and bringing us closer to the Future of Health. Applying AI to big data in life sciences can help companies reshape business models, streamline biopharma manufacturing, and enhance everything from cognitive molecule research and clinical trial data flow, to self-healing supply chain applications and product intelligence. It can also enable life sciences companies to be more personalized and authentic in how they engage with health care professionals, patients, and other stakeholders.

How? When used by the pharmaceutical industry, artificial intelligence can draw insights from massive data sets faster, process data and automate workflows more efficiently, and convert insights into actions to improve business performance.

Explore how you can capture the impact of AI at every stage of the pharma value chain, from molecule to market.

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How AI can transform the pharma value chain

Future of Work: Ways of working in uncertain times

AI solutions for life sciences

Solutions, capabilities, and assets Deloitte offers across the life sciences value chain.

The Lifesciences & Healthcare Dossier

Explore our compelling, business-ready use cases for AI in life sciences and health care.

The Deloitte AI Institute

Discover how the AI Institute helps organizations transform through cutting-edge innovation by bringing together the brightest minds in AI to advance human-machine collaboration in the Age of With™.



Deloitte can help you use AI in pharma to predict what’s possible and translate it into business performance -- from molecule to market.

Deloitte is collaborating with a broad range of life sciences companies to innovate with AI, analytics, and data technologies that help identify unique advantages with greater accuracy, bring urgently needed therapies to market faster, and more effectively reach patients.

We offer a full suite of capabilities and assets across the full life sciences value chain, including CortexAI™ , a cloud-agnostic AI development platform with plug-and-play technologies for data, analytics, intelligent automation, and machine learning. We can help expand your company’s AI capabilities at speed and scale. And we bring unparalleled breadth, depth, and a wealth of industry experiences and therapy areas to draw from. Through a business lens, we can also help companies weigh ethical considerations, responsibility, assurance, and accountability.



Explore our AI solutions for life sciences

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ConvergeHEALTH creates new health ecosystems to enable the future of health by combining next-generation platforms, deep industry experience, and novel collaboration models that empower the shift to value-based, personalized health care.

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