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Telecom, Media and Entertainment Industry Trends

Part of the User Friendly podcast series

Where are the opportunities for growth and potential challenges for telecommunications, media and entertainment companies? There’s no shortage of trends to watch in 2020, from the continued growth of streaming to new technologies like 5G and augmented/reality.

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Video streaming, 5G, and AR/VR to gain ground in 2020

Deloitte’s Kevin Westcott joins host Hanish Patel to share his insights on what’s ahead for the telecommunications media & entertainment industry. Expanding on observations from the TM&E Industry Outlook 2020, Westcott predicts that the growth of video streaming will continue to explode and competition among providers will increase. However, he sees subscribers growing more and more frustrated with having to pay for multiple subscriptions to watch what they want and start to demand highly customized packages.

On the telecom side of the house, the search is on for “killer apps” for 5G that appeal to consumers and deliver exciting opportunities to industries. Augmented and virtual reality apps will also gain ground in a wide range of enterprise apps, including gaming controllers, educational content and training, immersive theater, and interactivity at museums, galleries, theme parks, and concerts.

When we actually get these technologies (5G and edge computing) in the hands of these very creative and innovative people, they're going to invent things that we haven't considered today…It definitely will help move AR and VR more into the mainstream.

— Kevin Westcott, Vice Chairman, US Telecom, Media & Entertainment Lead, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP

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Blink and you might miss it. Trends in tech, media, and telecom are developing faster than you can say "User Friendly"—our new podcast focused on dissecting the industry's latest developments. In each episode, Hanish Patel, digital transformation leader in Deloitte Consulting, and his guests break down these trends into something more user friendly.

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