We aim to create an environment for lifelong employment where employees can gain a wide experience and exploit their potential without a burnout

デロイト トーマツ税理士法人
インターナショナルタックス/M&Aサービス マネージングディレクター


What is International Tax and M&A(ITMA) service and how are members like?

ITMA business is mostly cross-border. Either our client is a foreign company/ fund making a transaction in Japan or a Japanese company making a transaction overseas. We advise our clients on a very wide array of Japanese taxes, and also work on foreign tax/ legal matters. We mostly use English language in our written correspondence and have plenty of opportunities to work alongside top-tier law firms, investment banks etc. The time when a transaction is closing, is always very exciting. Unlike compliance colleagues, we do not have any particular busy season but the workload can always be adjusted based upon the priorities of each individual.
Since our job is very technical and the stakes in a transaction are high, the ITMA team mostly comprises of seasoned tax professionals with several years of experience. With experience people become more humble and the same is true for our ITMA team as well.

What brought you here in Japan?

In my formative years, I studied how the culture of a country shapes its economy. The transformation of Japan from an imperialistic society to a post-World War II era of economic reconstruction and Kaizen philosophy at workplace had always intrigued me. Thus I came here to see all this for myself. After few lost decades, Japan is once again standing at crossroads, where it has to regain its place in the world economy. In my view, projecting an inclusive image and understanding of the rapidly changing global society, will be the key to success. Japan needs global citizens who can embrace both the Japanese and western way of doing things and bridge the gap when working cross-borders.

Is there any difference of working style between India and Japan?

I have never worked at Deloitte India, as I was a mid-career recruit at Deloitte Tohmatsu. I do however work closely with several teams in Deloitte India. There are cultural differences, but employee attrition is perhaps the most startling of them. At Deloitte Tohmatsu, it is not uncommon for our clients to find same team members even after several years of a project. We aim to create an environment for lifelong employment where employees can gain a wide experience and exploit their potential without a burnout.

デロイト トーマツ税理士法人で働くプロフェッショナルのインタビュー

デロイト トーマツ税理士法人の求人を見る

デロイト トーマツ グループで税理士として働くプロフェッショナルたちの日々の仕事や活躍する姿を紹介しています。

デロイト トーマツ グループを知る

仕事内容、働く環境、目指すキャリアなど、デロイト トーマツで働くプロフェッショナルたちの声をお伝えします



私たちのビジネスは信頼を基礎としています。私たちにとって、Ethics & Integrityとはすべての根幹です


次世代に向けた社会価値創出に率先して取り組むデロイト トーマツ グループを目指して
