

Building trust as a leader in turbulent times

A leadership development podcast that answers tough questions

Trust isn’t optional for leaders. It’s the connective tissue that binds everything we do. Leaders are growing increasingly savvy about preserving trust. But what happens when trust is lost? And how can you regain it? Tune in as we hear leaders and luminaries answer those questions and show how resilience and building trust are incredibly important for all leaders.

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What does it take for leaders to build trust? It starts with defining it.

What is trust? Martha brings a wealth of experiences to our conversation from shaping legal minds to working with leaders in other countries to help advance policies where trust was desperately needed.

…trust is fundamentally belief in the reliability or truth of a person or a thing or an institution…. I think that, really, it’s reliability in delivering what it promises, or what the person promises, but also preventing betrayals—intentional or unintentional.


Tune into our episodes featuring resilient leaders on the Future of Trust.

How can leaders address the challenge of building, maintaining, and restoring trust during times of disruption and uncertainty? What are the different dimensions of trust (physical, emotional, digital, and financial) and what role do each play in building a holistic trust mentality within an organization?

As pandemic-related and societal turmoil continues, Susan shares insights on how leaders can identify and address areas of vulnerability for trust breaches and make trust an organizational priority that is embedded into the culture. Want to hear more? Scroll down to listen to the Insider’s track.

Insider track on trust: what’s the worst that could happen?

As a guest on the Resilient podcast Future of Trust series, Susan Irving, chief marketing officer at Kruger shared her insights on the worst-case scenario and why it’s important to plan, measure and monitor trust through everything that an organization does. Sign up below to access this special segment.

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