Higher Education Sustainability, Climate and Equity | Deloitte US has been saved

A discussion with college and university sustainability leaders about their experience guiding their institutions toward more sustainable operations.

As societal expectations for responsible stewardship of natural resources build, higher education institutions should consider sustainability practices that span academics, research, community engagement, and campus operations.

A strategic collaboration to bring insight and thought leadership about the energy transition: The Deloitte Research Center for Energy & Industrials is pleased to collaborate with the Center for Energy, Development and the Global Environment (EDGE) at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business on a series of co-authored publications focused on clean energy pathways in the energy transition.

Deloitte and the University of Colorado Boulder launched the Climate Innovation Collaboratory to translate cutting-edge climate research and data into meaningful climate solutions for businesses, organizations, government agencies, and communities.

The Climate Collaborative represents a diverse group of organizations, including health care providers, hospital systems, education institutions, nonprofits, and federal agencies. Deloitte is the largest professional services firm in the Climate Collaborative.