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Dbriefs Webcast

Financial Services

Navigating what’s next

Financial Services

Upcoming webcasts

Real estate accounting insights: An in-depth analysis of hot topics

As you prepare for the upcoming 2024 year-end financial reporting season, join us for a deep dive into real estate accounting hot topics and regulatory updates that are shaping the industry, including standards and rules from the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission. This session will be led by members of our national real estate professional practice team. Participants will synthesize the latest real estate industry best practices and insights.

Real Estate
December 19
11 a.m. ET
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Year-end tax policy update and current tax topics for real estate

Join us for an update on tax issues important to owners and investors in real estate. Participants will identify current tax topics for real estate and determine how to plan for the year ahead.

Real Estate
December 19
1 p.m. ET
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2025 financial services regulatory outlook

Navigating regulatory change in 2025? Join us as we cover how business, consumer, and technology developments will likely affect the financial services industry in the United States; regulations governing its key activities; and steps organizations can take in response. Participants will be able to apply insights and initiatives to better manage the heavy volume of change, including new technology solutions, controls, reporting, and processes.

Financial Services
February 12
12 p.m. ET
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