Deloitte Dbriefs

Dbriefs Webcast

Legislation and Regulatory Change

Navigating what’s next

Tax Executives

Upcoming webcast

Global changes in VAT: Reform in Brazil, EU, and Mexico key trends

Value-added tax (VAT) rules are undergoing major changes
globally with new regulations and digitalization of invoices and reports. US
multinationals need to plan for their impact. Participants will evaluate the
potential impact of the new indirect tax landscape and prepare for changes to
their organization’s VAT compliance and reporting.

April 3
1 p.m. ET
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E-invoicing. E-reporting. E-volving.

There has been an increase in the number of countries that have introduced e-invoicing/e-reporting obligations or have announced their intention to do so by 2030. This is creating a significant amount of work for taxpayers to comply with local country requirements; including new technologies addressing the near-time (or real-time) related data filing obligations. Participants will break down the challenges and opportunities of automated generation of invoice requirements.

April 17
1 p.m. ET
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One-two punch: Driving growth with incentives and property tax

Discretionary incentives and property tax can drive value for a company, provided both workstreams are involved from Day 1 through the close of the incentives agreement. Participants will assess the importance of having both the credits and incentives and property tax teams involved when looking to invest in a new jurisdiction or expanding an existing location.

April 23
1 p.m. ET
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Inbound employment tax challenges: Tips in an uncertain time

This Dbriefs webcast will provide a peek into what the future may hold with regard to US inbound employment tax as a result of executive orders and updated application of existing legislation. Participants will examine a broad overview of US employment tax and select related benefit considerations for companies sending workers to the United States.

April 24
1 p.m. ET
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On-demand Webcasts
Webcasts are archived for 180 days after the live broadcast. CPE credit is not available for viewing archived programs.