Powered by innoWake™

A platform that modernizes an organization’s applications from COBOL, Natural, Assembler, JCL, PL/1, CA Gen/Cool Gen, and others to Java, .NET, Cloud, and Cloud Native in a low-risk, cost-effective way to deliver fully automated refactoring and modernization to help meet critical business objectives.

“Idaho required a fast implementation, and one of the reasons they selected Deloitte was our ability to meet the deadline while delivering a completely automated refactored system.”

According to Deloitte’s New-Venture Accelerator, 60 percent of business transactions run in legacy software languages like COBOL and Natural. They can’t stay this way and integrate effectively with new technologies like cloud and mobile.

Deloitte has the specific services and products to see application modernization through from start to finish. Our proprietary innoWake toolset fully automates the process and provides the possible—keeping the value of a legacy system and modernizing it so companies can serve customers in new ways.

Want to know more?

Contact us

Is your company finding that legacy systems are becoming increasingly expensive to maintain? Are you worried about recruiting people to support these aging systems as skilled employees start to retire? If so, we should talk.

Deloitte helps organizations transition to newer coding methods using Application Modernization powered by innoWake and is specifically qualified to tie the effort to business outcomes that can accelerate value for both the organization and its constituents for years to come.

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