being digital


Being digital

Staying ahead of the digital curve

How can we ensure productivity, well-being, and relevancy in a world of exponential technology?

Being digital

Staying ahead of the digital curve requires new ways of thinking and doing—it’s as much about mindset as it is about the latest technology. And it’s more than making incremental improvements: It’s time to think and act big! We’re joined by Dr. Reza Moussavian, senior vice president of the HR division “Digital & Innovation” at Deutsche Telekom, who will tell us how an enterprise-wide digital transformation and adopting a digital mindset has infused innovation throughout the company’s culture.

What does it mean to be a digital organization in today’s world?

Tech Trends 2019: Beyond the digital frontier

Emerging technology trends can seem both elusive and ephemeral, but some become integral to business and IT strategies—and form the backbone of tomorrow’s technology innovation.


Accelerating digital innovation inside and out

The fifth annual MIT SMR and Deloitte study of digital business reveals digitally mature organizations don't just innovate more, they innovate differently—leveraging ecosystems and cross-functional teams that play critical roles.

people meeting

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