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Cloud FinOps Services
Effectively navigate cloud’s financial and operational challenges
Cloud introduces into IT financial management new complexity that often can’t be successfully navigated with traditional processes. To provide spending transparency, keep costs in check, and gain the expected ROI on their cloud investments, many organizations may need to evolve their IT financial management capabilities. Deloitte’s Cloud FinOps Services can help.
Cloud FinOps
The complexity of cloud architectures, vendor services, and pricing structures, coupled with the high variability and velocity of cloud spend, means that traditional IT financial management models don't translate well to cloud. Organizations must have a cloud FinOps model that enables them to operate more economically, now and in the future.
Deloitte's Cloud FinOps Services can help your organization operate more cost effectively in cloud. We will evaluate your current cloud FinOps maturity and partner with you to design and implement market-leading FinOps capabilities that will drive maximum value from your investment in the cloud.
Deloitte's Cloud FinOps Services include best-in-class tools, processes, and structures that allow us to meet our clients where they are in their FinOps journey.
Our impact
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FinOps certified practitioners
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Deloitte Cloud FinOps Services and offerings
Our core FinOps services consist of a comprehensive set of customized solutions designed to enable financial transparency, predictability, and controls needed to maximize the value of the cloud. Our Cloud FinOps Services are also supported by adjunct Deloitte services such as tax and accounting advisory and fully leverage Deloitte’s FinOps Foundation premier membership.
Our integrated offerings
We continue to evolve our offerings to meet our clients’ need for more integrated FinOps solutions, bringing the best of Deloitte’s breadth, including GenAI, software asset management, hybrid, data, tax, accounting, etc. Our integrated offerings include:
The impact of Deloitte Cloud FinOps Services
With our Cloud FinOps Services, you can gain the ability to more effectively identify, govern, and optimize your cloud spend. The benefits of our Cloud FinOps Services start almost immediately, and they are impactful and long term. Our services help you:
- Drive cost ownership across business units and improve resource traceability across a multi-cloud environment.
- Gain transparency into spend through cost allocation at resource level, ML-driven predictions for forecasted spend across CSPs.
- Align FinOps maturity journey with business strategy and goals.
- Identify areas where your organization can improve cloud efficiency, reduce costs, and better leverage benefits of cloud computing.

Our latest thinking
Want better DevOps? It comes down to people and leadership
Part of the Architecting the Cloud podcast series
DevOps Cloud Platform
Simplify cloud with DevOps and cloud-native utilities