
Need help navigating your organization’s cloud journey?

Deloitte’s Cloud Workbook™ workshop can help you identify your best path forward

While clients can reap a variety of benefits by moving to the cloud, they may need to address multiple challenges and conflicting priorities in the course of identifying the best transformation strategy for their organization.

Cloud Workbook™

Deloitte's Cloud Workbook™ is a suite of proprietary tools that help organizations accelerate their journey to the cloud. This is done by leveraging data-driven, intelligent analysis of a client's environment to help them enhance the quality and efficacy of the decision-making that's required to develop a cloud adoption road map.




An intelligent, analytical platform that enables clients to develop a cloud strategy for their organization using data-driven analysis

Industry-leading platform

The Cloud Workbook continuously updates benchmark data by leveraging the learnings from previous engagements


Provides a platform for organizations to compare the total cost of ownership among industry-leading cloud service providers

Intelligent custom reporting

Capability to generate intelligent reports that can be customized to specific client requirements

Let's talk

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